Waylene Currie

Contemporary Mununjali Wangerriburra Artists

I am a proud Mununjali Wangerriburra Talgunn (woman) drawing from my ancestors wisdoms to guide me through my artworks, connecting unnyah Jagun (our country), balun (rivers) and bujerum of Unyah Jagun (spirit of our country)

I started to draw and paint as a young girl learning from my siblings and mother.

I was always encouraged by my Kumi teaching me stories of our Jagun and our Maibin (people).

As I grew older I would paint as a hobby doing small to big artworks here and there but mainly focused on my career of being a support worker to help my community.

Now I have reached a point in my life understanding that my story telling was important to share my connection and dreaming through my expression of artwork, I see the vibrant colours Unyah Jagun grows and I enjoy working with these colours as they express more of my connection and feeling about Unyah Jagun and Unyah bujerum. In the last few years I started to connect more with Mununjali Ngari (Mununjali Dance) to connect more in to my story telling and expression through dance, there is always an overwhelming happiness being able to participate in my Mununjali Wangerriburra ways, my journey will still continue and I have plenty more to learn about. Now is my time to pursue my story telling journey to share and embrace with broader Maibin and communities.