John Rotumah

From the young age of 18 John has had a talent for painting. Drawing inspiration from his mother and his own children John has been painting for 19 years, with 13 of them as a professional artist who’s art on various mediums has traveled far across the world.

His Kangaroo sunsets have become a very distinct characteristic of his style of art with his delicate fine animal detail and backgrounds that resemble Australian sunsets. Also working with copper and silver colours John manages ever so easily to create works of art that are beautiful and unique with the various typical Australian animals we all know and love.

John’s mothers family grew up in the Booningbah area (place of Echidna) in Fingal Northern NSW. He carries his name from his Father’s fathers people who came over from Rotumah Island near Fiji to work in the sugar cane farms. His family totems are the Echidna and Goanna.

Over our 10 years here at Planet Corroboree we have showcased John and his brother Scott‘s work consistently. We are very appreciative of the support we have all given each other and the friendships that we have built over these years.