Chloe Creative Journey

My name is Chloe Kane and I am a proud Wiradjuri, Yaegl woman honouring ancestry and culture through my journey of connection. Throughout my journey, my learnings, story and reflection of self is expressed within each art piece. Identity, culture, and family are so valuable to me. I cherish all of these three things and hold each deeply within.

I have always found comfort within expressing myself, my journeys, my hopes and dreams within a creative way.

From such a young age, my mental health formed a dark cloud. Through creativity, I found the calmness and safety that I needed. For quite some time, I channelled my energy elsewhere, in hopes to find happiness within. After many years of searching, I grew to love and appreciated 'me'.

The fear of failure had always been overwhelming. However, learning acceptance from within, helped shift my values and self-doubts. I stepped out of my comfort zone - one step at a time - to grow into the woman that I am today.